© April 26, 2017

The tax-payer subsidized charity David Suzuki Foundation is asking Canadians to participate in a “Power Up Renewable Energy” promotion campaign based on partisan demands that are not supported by evidence.  Due diligence reveals these claims and demands to be false and misleading to the public, and if implemented, would be a wasteful use of public funds and detrimental for the nation at large.

Meeting the Paris COP-21 GHG reduction targets would reduce the Canadian economy to that of Chad. Canada’s GDP per capita ranking by the IMF, in 2015, is 21st at $45,602 while Chad ranks 155th with $2,640 per citizen. This would not be a public benefit to Canada. 

Friends of Science Society has done the due diligence on the David Suzuki Foundation claims in a new report.

Click on the link below to download the report:

Due Diligence Suzuki Foundation FINAL Ap 26 2017 R

Upon review of the report, readers are invited to contact the Prime Minister, relevant ministers or their local MP to make their views known. Please discuss and share this information with family and friends.

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau           [email protected]
The Honourable Catherine McKenna           [email protected]
The Honourable Bill Morneau                      [email protected]
The Honourable Jim Carr                             [email protected]
The Honourable Marc Garneau                   [email protected]
The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi                    [email protected]


cover due diligence suzuki