Will Germany Destroy Europe for the Third Time in a Century?

The German is serious. He’s so serious that even when he’s heading down a blind alley, and he knows it, he’ll seriously go all the way, seriously wallow in the wall, smashing all those around him into it if necessary. With gravitas, and because it’s his duty.

1. German industry collapses

German industry is collapsing. It is collapsing because the cost of energy in Europe is 3 to 10 times higher than in our direct competitors, starting with the United States. There is no German industrial sector that can survive such an energy cost differential. The German chemical industry, for example, which is a massive energy consumer, will surely die if this energy cost differential is not eliminated.

But the cost of German energy is not an external constraint descended from Heaven by the will of the Holy Spirit: it is a choice, a policy; a political decision, known as the Energiewende. The Energiewende consists of replacing fossil fuels and nuclear power with “renewable” wind and solar energy. In concrete terms, by 2024, nuclear power will have been destroyed – which has always been the number 1 objective of the ecologists – and fossil fuels will be in better shape than ever. All they’ve done is to replace Russian gas with American gas – which is five times more expensive because it has to be liquefied, transported across the Atlantic and regasified. As for German lignite, the most polluting of all coals, it has never done so well. Burn, baby, burn.

But what about the climate? Precisely. In 2024, Germany emits ten times more CO2 per unit of energy produced than nuclear France. Ten times !

The failure of the Energiewende is therefore total, grotesque and comical, whatever the metric used or the point of view from which we view it.

A people vaguely normal and less ‘serious’ than the Germans would have drawn the necessary conclusions a long time ago. Not the Germans, who now watch whole swathes of their industry collapse every day, like tourists contemplating a cliff attacked by a raging sea. The German shakes his head and wonders whether, in the long term, all this will not have rather unfortunate consequences; in short, “is this really reasonable?” asks the Teuton docudently, before becoming “serious” again and stepping on the accelerator.

2. European industry collapses

Better still: not only is Fritz not giving up on his Energiewende in Germany, he intends to impose it on the whole of Europe. Indeed, there is no major project that the German, as if by natural reflex, does not immediately intend to impose on the whole of Europe. For its own good. If necessary, by force.

Which gives us Ursula von der Leyen. von der Leyen is the epitome of the German centre-right: a fanatical environmentalist who hates nuclear power and is prepared to sacrifice all Europeans to the “climate”, while denying the global reality of ever-increasing CO2 emissions , hastening to govern with the ecologist far-left while holding her nose in the face of right-wing parties. In Europe, the poison is German and, since the departure of the British and France sinking into debt, it is now unchecked and unmitigated.

3. “I love Stalin” (© German centre-right)

Finally, there is the famous practice of the cordon sanitaire, whereby the German centre-right CDU prefers to govern with the far left than with the right. For “moral” reasons. Even when the right-wing wins by a landslide – as in Thuringia recently – even when right-wing + centre-right make up 75%, and even when the far-left is led by a lover of Lenin, Stalin, one of the worst psychopathic criminals of all time.

That’s why the centre-right CDU has already announced its intention to govern Germany after the next federal elections with… the Greens, of all the parties, the most hated in Germany and the furthest removed in terms of programme from the CDU. Well done!

If the Germans believe that their democracy will hold together in the face of economic collapse, they would do well to reread the small volume Weimar from their rancid library.

Can we suggest that Germans stop being so German?

Drieu Godefridi


  1. Chris Schoneveld

    You write: “Germany emits ten times more CO2 per unit of energy produced than nuclear France. Ten times !”
    You probably mean to say that “Germany emits ten times more CO2 per unit of electricity (not energy!) produced than nuclear France” Even in France fossil fuels are still dominant over nuclear in the total energy mix.

  2. Chris Schoneveld

    According World Bank data: “France’s extensive use of nuclear power significantly reduces its CO₂ emissions compared to Germany, particularly in the electricity generation sector. In 2020, France’s per capita CO₂ emissions were approximately 4.0 metric tons, while Germany’s were about 7.3 metric tons.”
    So Germany emits about 2 times more CO2 than France, not 10 times.

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