June 9, 2022
RBC – Royal Bank of Canada
ATTN: David McKay, CEO
Kindly forward inhouse to:
John Stackhouse, Senior Vice President
Colin Guldimann, Economist
Ben Richardson, Research Associate
Steven … Continue reading
#Abclimate (36) #cdnpoli (149) #climatechangeisreal (34) #keepitintheground (58) #ParisAgreement (120) 100% renewable (48) canada (47) carbon tax (83) climate change (288) CLINTEL (25) coal (38) coal phase-out (19) COP21 (38) decarbonisation (155) Drieu Godefridi (18) economics (139) electricity (44) electric vehicles (21) energy crisis (16) European Union (15) fossil fuels (51) geopolitics (135) GHGs (115) global warming (167) greenhouse gas (19) IPCC (100) natural gas (22) NetZero2050 (15) oil (27) oil and gas (47) oil sands (17) Paris Agreement (48) Paris climate talks (24) phase-out coal (22) renewable energy (47) renewables (34) Robert Lyman (258) Samuel Furfari (30) solar (15) Tar Sands Campaign (19) unemployment (24) unintended consequences (43) William Walter Kay (14) wind (15) wind farms (25)
June 9, 2022
RBC – Royal Bank of Canada
ATTN: David McKay, CEO
Kindly forward inhouse to:
John Stackhouse, Senior Vice President
Colin Guldimann, Economist
Ben Richardson, Research Associate
Steven … Continue reading
#Abclimate (36) #cdnpoli (149) #climatechangeisreal (34) #keepitintheground (58) #ParisAgreement (120) 100% renewable (48) canada (47) carbon tax (83) climate change (288) CLINTEL (25) coal (38) coal phase-out (19) COP21 (38) decarbonisation (155) Drieu Godefridi (18) economics (139) electricity (44) electric vehicles (21) energy crisis (16) European Union (15) fossil fuels (51) geopolitics (135) GHGs (115) global warming (167) greenhouse gas (19) IPCC (100) natural gas (22) NetZero2050 (15) oil (27) oil and gas (47) oil sands (17) Paris Agreement (48) Paris climate talks (24) phase-out coal (22) renewable energy (47) renewables (34) Robert Lyman (258) Samuel Furfari (30) solar (15) Tar Sands Campaign (19) unemployment (24) unintended consequences (43) William Walter Kay (14) wind (15) wind farms (25)