“In questions of science, the authority of a thousand, is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” Galileo Galilei
The recent release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the as yet, unreleased Synthesis report, has driven a flurry of catastrophic headlines ranging from ‘climate time bomb’ to ‘last chance for humanity.’ The IPCC’s mandate is to study the effect of human-caused climate change, not ALL causes of climate change. Indeed, Mother Nature is the largest climate change factor.
In the following science papers and this power point , Arthur Viterito, retired professor of physical geography, presents research on how geothermal/seismic activity may be driving recent warming – NOT carbon dioxide from human industrial emissions. The power point below is a compilation of Viterito’s previously published works.
This perspective is certainly worthy of consideration before the world embarks on a multi-trillion dollar trek to NetZero that is presently impoverishing millions of people with heat-or-eat poverty, and causing children to despair of their futures.
The Correlation of Seismic Activity and Recent Global Warming
1995: An Important Inflection Point in Recent Geophysical History
In my opinion there is no case for comercial geothermal energy. I had experience with some attempts to list geothermal Companies on a stock exchange. The CAPEX of drilling to define and delineates a resource is high and geologically difficult in almost all cases. The real issue from an investor’s viewpoint is the price cap put on electrical utilities does not pay back the initial investor.
I’m pretty certain that the warming of the 20th century is real but is regression toward the equilibrium temperature of ~ 14 C caised by the weight of the atmosphere.
The earlier regression at the end of the Little Ice Age reached equilibrium by 1870 only to be depressed by a large number of serious volcanic eruptions starting with Askja on Iceland (1875), Krakatoa (1883) and Pele. We did not get back into equilibrium until the volcanic era calmed down. Pinatubo and Mt St Helens were weaklings compared to the earlier group. The temperatures used by modelers are from the time series during the regression toward nthe mean. We are being gamed, but you knew that.