Fighting Climate Change: Can We Humans Regulate Earth’s Climate?

A Summary of the Current Situation

Contributed sponsored content. © 2021

Economic and Social Factors

Will the Paris Climate Accord Work?

The world’s largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters are now the developing nations, and they are far more interested in making reliable and affordable energy available to their citizens than in “saving the world from climate change.” It is only the OECD countries (Canada, the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and the European Union) who seem intent on committing economic suicide.

Is Net Zero Possible?

The goal of achieving “net zero” is not achievable in Canada with any current or on-the-horizon technology unless Canadians sacrifice their social and economic well-being.

Canadians have questions. (Image licensed from Shutterstock)

Can Electricity Replace Fossil Fuels?

The technologies to replace fossil fuels with reliable and affordable electricity do not yet exist. The conversion of heating, cooking, transportation, and industrial systems from fossil fuels to electricity would require truly enormous investments by homeowners, businesses, and taxpayers. Hydrogen can play a role in niche applications, but its physical characteristics make it wholly unsuitable as a replacement for natural gas or petroleum products.

Can We Succeed In Fighting Climate Change?

Climate change is affected by powerful, unpredictable natural factors; though human emissions and activity contribute to climate change, we are a small part of a complex climate picture. Earth’s climate has been changing for many millions of years and it will continue to change even if we stop burning fossil fuels. What we can do is adapt to extreme weather as we have successfully done to date (central heating, grid-scale electricity, insulated homes, dams etc.).

Should We Let Climate Activists Hijack Capitalism?

There is no reason whatsoever to suppose that governments and unelected bureaucrats can design, build, and operate Canada’s existing and future energy systems (through tax-subsidized schemes, incentives, bureaucratic agencies or Crown Corporations) more economically or more reliably than the private sector can.

Conclusions about Economic and Social Factors

We show that the aspirational slogans, like Net Zero 2050, advocated by the Environmental Interventionists are unachievable in the demanded timeframe. The proponents claim their policies mitigate against extreme climate/weather but have not demonstrated that such action is necessary or effective. On behalf of their citizens, political leaders in the OECD countries have a duty to re-examine the climate science in open debate.

The Climate Science

Can Carbon Taxes Control Weather and Climate?

Fuel use is essential for modern society and therefore ‘inelastic’ – a carbon-tax driven price increase does not reduce consumption. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is only one small element in the extremely complex climate system and is not the singular ‘control knob’ on climate.

Is Climate Science Settled and No Further Debate is Necessary?

Climate scientists with dissenting views have been shut out of the media. Recent research reveals that most alarmist peer-reviewed climate studies rely on an implausible emissions scenario and outdated science. The most advanced climate models (simulations) run far ‘too hot’, that is, they exaggerate the effect of carbon dioxide on temperature. Something is wrong with the models. Likewise, research into the Sun’s role in climate has progressed, showing it to be a more influential factor than carbon dioxide.

Can we live without CO2?

If the level of atmospheric CO2 were to fall below 150 ppm (~38% of present day), all terrestrial plants would die. All terrestrial life would follow soon thereafter.

Is CO2 Causing Extreme Weather Events or Rising Sea Levels?

While there are credible theoretical and observational studies showing that human CO2 emissions have contributed to a slight warming of the planet since the mid-1800s, there is no credible link between those emissions and extreme weather or rising sea levels.

Livestream video overview of report highlights and PowerPoint.

PowerPoint used in the presentation below:

Recorded Live Stream – A Walk-Through of Key Points from the Report – see PowerPoint above or use this link
Sponsored by Canadians for Sensible Climate Policy


  1. Patrick Hunt

    If Canada was 2°C warmer, would we be better off? If so why would we want to work against an increase in temperature? If a doulbling of CO2 to 800 PPM improve food production and biomass, why would we want to work against an increase in CO2? Until those two questions are answered, I do not approve the goverment spending Billions of Dollars to cut antropogenic CO2 without publishing proper cost/benefit analysis. Is that too much to ask of my government?

  2. Duane Pendergast

    Very timely! We need some climate and energy reality to balance the steady stream of alarm and hysteria projected by the major media outlets.

  3. Charlie and Donna Gracey

    Because of constant winds the CO2, CH4 and N2O must be so well mixed that their concentration
    in the atmosphere must be nearly the same everywhere. Not so with water vapour where levels are low over desert areas. Given extremely hot days and cold nights does this not show the relative importance of Water vapour , CO2 , CH4 and N20 in trapping heat?

  4. Doug Morris

    Please Canadian government, take the time to re-examine the Net Zero effects, and truly analyze whether this makes any sense at all.

  5. Doug Morris

    Please Canadian government, take the time to re-examine the Net Zero effects, and truly analyze whether this makes any sense at all.

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