Russian Scientist Warns of Impending Cooling due to Solar Inactivity

The climate system depends at an extremely complex set of long-term (≥ 30 years) physical processes in the ocean-land-atmosphere systems, which, in turn, are constantly influenced mainly quasi-bicentennial variations of the total solar irradiance (TSI).

The variations of TSI (0.4-0.5%) in quasi-bicentennial cycle, insignificant by the standards of a star, is capable of drastically changing the Earth’s climate.

Deep climate change is an absolutely natural and inevitable process, and man has practically nothing to do with it today.

The temperature is always cooler during long-term periods of low TSI and warmer during periods of high TSI is an important established aspect of the climate impact of TSI over the past 8,000 years. (See full power point – link)

The Sun entered a prolonged cooling period.

We will are experiencing a period of unusually weak solar cycles in 21st century. The last time a prolonged solar minimum was in effect was the Maunder minimum, which saw seven decades of freezing weather, began in 1645 and lasted through to 1715, and happened when solar irradiance was at deep minimum level.

In the second half of the 21st century temperature will dropped globally approximately on 1.3°C which leading to shorter seasons and ultimately shortages food, energy and et al. in this period.

Governments should prepare for this scenario, prepare resources and plans to adapt the economy to new conditions.

The consequences of a deep cooling in the Maunder period warn about the need to ensure the safety of mankind in the coming difficult times.


  1. Dr Francis Manns

    Was there peer review of this Powerpoint? .

  2. gpatrickhunt

    Dr Francis Manns, Why don’t you review it and tell us if he is off the mark.

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