The Most Important Reasons Why There is No Climate Emergency – Dr. Roy Spencer – Jan. 19, 2021 at 7pm MST

Get your tickets now for Part 2 of Friends of Science Society’s 17th Annual Event with Dr. Roy Spencer and “The Most Important Reasons Why There is No Climate Emergency”. The event will be online in a live stream of a recorded presentation followed by live Q&A. Part 1 aired Dec. 8, 2020 with Donna Laframboise.


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The current claims of a “climate emergency” are shown to be gross exaggerations. Recent warming of the climate system has been modest and benign, and at the low end of the warming predicted by the computerized climate model projections used to guide changes in national energy policy. Climate model projections of human-caused climate change are based upon the assumption that climate does not change naturally, and so represent an example of circular reasoning. From sea level rise to wildfires to severe weather, there has been little to no change observed which is outside the realm of natural variation. Thus, the “climate emergency” claims are not based upon science.

About the speaker
Roy W. Spencer received his Ph.D. in meteorology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1981. Before becoming a Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 2001, he was a Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, where he and Dr. John Christy received NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for their global temperature monitoring work with satellites. Dr. Spencer’s work with NASA continues as the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer flying on NASA’s Aqua satellite. He has provided congressional testimony several times on the subject of global warming.

Dr. Spencer’s research has been entirely supported by U.S. government agencies: NASA, NOAA, and DOE. He has never been asked by any oil company to perform any kind of service. Not even Exxon-Mobil.

Dr. Spencer’s first popular book on global warming, Climate Confusion (Encounter Books), is now available at and

Get your tickets Now!


  1. Dr Francis Manns

    Mind you there has been warming since the Little Ice Age and it has been captured and misinterpreted by climate modelers. To my knowledge there has never been experimental support for the anthropogenic hypothesis so it stands even with all other hypothesis having no support but opinion.

  2. Bob graham

    And yet most govts support the AGW fraud. Guess it worked for the king who had no clothes, but i hoped we were slightly more aware now.

  3. Steve Case

    Sea level will be covered. Good

    Will methane (CH4) and the ridiculous Global Warming Potential (GWP) numbers be covered?

    That issue should be covered as methane is being regulated i.e., Natural gas in new residential construction banned in California. Attempting to regulate CH4 emissions from live stock, gas wells, land fills etc. The future global temperature rise due to CH4 is NEVER discussed anywhere, policy makers need to know how little it is. Probably in the neighborhood of 0.05°C or essentially nothing.

  4. Joel O'Bryan

    Your point is why Kevin Trenberth and others have attempted to reverse the Null Hypothesis in the eyes of the science and the public on the nature of why Earth’s global climate has warmed since 1970’s. They want skeptics to prove it wasn’t rising CO2 that did it and not natural internal cycles or solar forcing. They have to do things like continually introduce new adjustments to the observational land station temps and SST records of the late-19th Century and first half of 20th Century to maintain something that doesn’t immediately falsify the model outputs. The manipulations of aerosols in the climate models 20th Century to help “calibrate and validate” them only means they run far too hot into the 21st Century where our observations of global aerosols are robust with global satellite coverage. This situation of cargo cult science can only get worse for them, hence the need for a disinformation campaign run by “climate communications” programs and the need to reverse the Null hypothesis of global warming.

  5. Bob Armstrong

    There is a total lack of quantitative testable fundamental analytical classical physics in the whole paradigm . Radiative filtering cannot ` trap a kinetic energy gradient . The adiabatic , ie: constant total , ” lapse rate ” is totally due to the exchange of gravitational ` potential and kinetic energy . The ~ 33c or whatever greater sea level temperature than our radiative balance ( which few even know how to calculate ) is totally due to the mass of the atmosphere , not some equationless GHG trapping .

    Until that undergraduate level physics is universally acknowledged , the realist case is brought down to the ” my graph vs your graph ” level of the global statist useful cult .

  6. Bob Armstrong

    There is a total lack of quantitative testable fundamental analytical
    classical physics in the whole paradigm . Radiative filtering cannot ` trap a
    kinetic energy gradient . The adiabatic , ie: constant total , ” lapse rate ”
    is totally due to the exchange of gravitational ` potential and kinetic
    energy . The ~ 33c or whatever greater sea level temperature than our radiative
    balance ( which few even know how to calculate ) is totally due to the mass
    of the atmosphere , not some equationless GHG trapping .

    Until that undergraduate level physics is universally acknowledged , the
    realist case is brought down to the ” my graph vs your graph ” level of the
    global statist useful cult

  7. Bill

    Amo will go negative within a few years time and uk will pay a high price for following in agenda bad science

  8. Dan Pangburn

    The slight warming that the planet has experienced since the end of the Little Ice Age is partly due to an increase in water vapor. Whatever the WV increase which results from temperature increase, human activity adds more. The WV increase has been measured to average about 1.5% per decade. This is more than possible from temperature increase. The human contribution is mostly (about 90%) from an increase in irrigation.

  9. Michael Jordan, ( Not the basket ball player).

    As a lay person, why is that when scientists say global warning is nothing to worry about, someone has to repudiate their findings and try to put in panic mode. When will they listen to the truth.

    • fosadmin

      The Climate Industrial complex is a $1.5 trillion dollar industry that relies on the fear of existential climate change. Environmental groups ‘make their living’ this way – raising money based on fear of the end of the planet; wind and solar industries rely on fear of carbon dioxide emissions as the reason for buying their devices (even though they are all made from lots of fossil fuels and require 100% conventional power back-up). They would put themselves out of a job. Michael Shellenberger’s experiences following writing his book “Apocalypse Never” are enlightening in this regard. His personal statement about how he arrived at his conclusions were banned from Facebook as not being scientifically accurate… in one case, one reviewer had also reviewed his book as excellent and accurate on Amazon! Go figure.

      • Dr Francis Manns

        Governments rely on phantom hazards in peacetime to keep the masses entertained.

  10. Dr Francis Manns

    The temperatures have risen since the Little Ice Age- no doubt. The models largely exaggerated it.. That indicates the height of the self delusion. The less serious issue for me is the false prime assumption – the cause is industrial CO2. There is no experimental support for that argument.

  11. Dr Francis Manns

    One big Hollywood fiction is foodng by rising sea level. I played with the stream table enough to learn that rising sea level reduced potential energies so that rivers drop their sediment load. In the real world, the Mississippi Delta has advanced 140 km out to sea as has Bangladesh as the Pleistocene ice melted.

  12. Andrew B

    … keep the masses controlled.

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