Climate Activism! Donna Laframboise LIVE online Dec 8, 2020, 7pm MST

Due to pandemic restrictions and concern for public safety, our annual in-person event, originally scheduled for April 6, 2020 is going online as a two-part series.

Each event with have a live MC, recorded video of our speaker presentation followed by a live Q & A with the guest speaker.

If you are unable to join in to watch the event live, it will be recorded and you will be able to view the event unlimited times after the live event.

If you are already a member of Friends of Science Society (or if you become a member prior to the first event) free access is included with your Friends of Science membership.

Members will receive an email with your access password 24 hours before the live event. All you will need to do is go to the event watch page and fill in your password.

Please add our email, contact(at) to your email contacts list or whitelist our email to ensure you continue to receive our emails.

If you have not received your password, and it is less than 24 hours before the live event, please first check your spam folder, then contact us by email at contact(at) and provide a contact phone number for us to reach you or call toll-free telephone in Canada & US 1-888-789-9597 Ext 2, and we will provide you with a password.

Non-members can purchase a ticket for $15 which will also give them unlimited number of plays.

For more information, please check out the event website:

Please help promote this event and share this information with your contacts!

Our first event is on December 8th, 2020 at 7:00 pm MST.

Donna Laframboise – Journalist, former Vice President of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association

Climate Activism: Undermining Free Speech, Free Thought & Free choice
There’s a climate problem, all right. A climate of intolerance, where dissent is not permitted. Climate activists insist their point-of view is the only one that is acceptable, the only one that is respectable, and the only one that deserves to be heard.

Read Donna’s blog about the event and other climate and policy issues.


Our second event will be on January 19, 2021 at 7:00 pm MST.

Dr. Roy W. Spencer – Principal Research Scientist:
The Most Important Reasons Why there is No Climate Emergency

The current claims of a “climate emergency” are shown to be gross exaggerations. Recent warming of the climate system has been modest and benign, and at the low end of the warming predicted by the computerized climate model projections used to guide changes in national energy policy. Climate model projections of human-caused climate change are based upon the assumption that climate does not change naturally, and so represent an example of circular reasoning. From sea level rise to wildfires to severe weather, there has been little to no change observed which is outside the realm of natural variation. Thus, the “climate emergency” claims are not based upon science.

Please contact us at 1-888-789-9597 Ext 2 or email at contact(at) for more information. Thank you for your continued support.

1 Comment

  1. Graydon Tranquilla

    Excellent….I have read the books of both and look forward with great anticipation to this event

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