Gravity, Creator of Climates

Contributed by Albert Jacobs © 2019

It is said that Gravity is the primal force of the universe and that the rest are only derivatives thereof. That is now becoming clear to many involved in the Climate issue. UNEP may have had its own reasons for engaging the atmospheric meteorological expertise of the WMO as a partner in the UNFCCC: such expertise is useful for the study of short term atmospheric processes, i.e. “weather”, but is inadequate for the study of ”climate” which depends heavily on influences from within the solar system, both in astronomical space and geologic time. Gravitational forces of planetary orbits and the varying radiative and particle emissions from the sun influence atmosphere and oceans and are not part of the computerised scenario simulations of the IPCC.
Its objective had nothing to do with “solving” a scientific problem, but to support a base for a social-economic world turn-around.

Jose (1965) got the solar-system ball rolling with the identification of the periodic behavioural changes of the sun’s movements around the system’s barycentre. This was followed through by others, in recent times by Ivanka Charvatova and Nicola Scafetta. Charvatova mapped the whirling solar pattern in a number of articles, starting in the beginning of this century in which the strict periodicity of the “ordered” course of the such solar movements contrasts with its non-restrained revolutions. The “ordered” periods are related to the Jupiter / Saturn orbits (and possibly some of the other heavier outer planets) and the disordered ones are not. What is important is that the starting points of the orderly inertial solar movement phase (SIM) are 178.7 years apart and that the chaotic ones correspond to solar / terrestrial phenomena of 14C, 10B and 18O for the phases of the Little Ice Age and for thousands of years back.

At the same time, Kees de Jager and Silvia Duhau published their papers on the solar radiation phase changes (aam / Rmax) that show the same 178.7 year pattern. The relationship seems obvious: The long-term orbits of the large planets influence the behaviour of the sun and that of the solar dynamo. This is reflected in the amount and type of radiation as well as particle emissions from the sun into our atmosphere, and – importantly – as the formation of condensation initiators and amount of cloud cover. Svensmark anyone?

And doesn’t this tie to a pattern of two Gleissberg cycles?


  1. Dr. Derek McBride

    Needs more explanation and less short forms for average reader.

    • fosadmin

      To treat a multi-faceted topic like this in a blog will always be too much for some and too little for others. Most blog entries would deal with specific aspects of constituents and miss the interconnections of the whole.

      You and I are both geologists. More than most professions within the natural sciences, we are more likely to examine topics in terms of time and space. In the “climate change” case it means that our field stretches into the solar system, and beyond, and back in time through the history of our planet.

      My purpose in writing the note was to make others aware of there being more to climate change than the trace gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The authors mentioned can easily be googled.


  2. afjacobs

    To treat a multi-faceted topic like this in a blog will always be too much for some and too little for others. Most blog entries would deal with specific aspects of constituents and miss the interconnections of the whole.

    You and I are both geologists. More than most professions within the natural sciences, we are more likely to examine topics in terms of time and space. In the “climate change” case it means that our field stretches into the solar system, and beyond, and back in time through the history of our planet.

    My purpose in writing the note was to make others aware of there being more to climate change than the trace gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The authors mentioned can easily be googled.


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