Reblogged Google translation with permission of Belgotopia –© 2019 

Read the original in French here:




COP 25, the climate conference being held in Chile at the end of 2019, will undoubtedly be the last opportunity to save the planet . And this, along with its predecessors, the most recent are Bali in 2007, Poznan in 2008, Copenhagen in 2009, Cancun in 2010, Durban in 2011, Rio de Janeiro and Doha in 2012, Warsaw in 2013, Montreal, New York and Lima in 2014, Paris in 2015, Marrakech in 2016, Bonn in 2017, Katowice in 2018.

The location chosen for this new world event promises – as every time – the arrival of tens of thousands of festival-goers, including the inevitable and very media Greta Thunberg who for lack of a suitable pedalo, will arrive by boat to preach the True Truth to an emotional audience, won over by his unstoppable expertise. (2)

From everywhere we get anxious warnings, predicting the ultimate climate catastrophe within 18, then 12 and finally the next 10 years, unless our politicians finally decide to take control of the climate.

But what will the COP 99 reserve us as a solemn warning?

Unfortunately, it is already too late …! 

Not only are catastrophic weather events (as we have never seen before) followed one another at an ever faster pace, as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) incorrectly predicted by IPCC ) (1), and even the little God, by the voice of his representative on Earth, sent us on April 28, 2015 a solemn warning: “The summit on the climate (of Paris 2015) is without doubt the last possibility to limit at 2 ° C the warming of the planet “(world leaders religious and political gathered at the Vatican).

On June 30, 1989 , Mr. Noel BROWN, Director of the New York Office of the UN Environment Program, issued a solemn warning:   “UN officials expect disasters, saying that the increase in gas emissions greenhouse effect could lead to the disappearance of entire nations because of rising water if global warming is not mastered until the 2000s. The coastal floods and the consequent absence of harvests will create exoduses of eco-refugees , causing serious political unrest. Governments have 10 years to solve the problem of greenhouse gas emissions. “  This period, which expired in 1999, is therefore largely out of date and the list of nations swallowed up by the rising waters continues to grow. The unfortunate precedent of Atlantis will therefore have been useless!

On April 22, 1990 , the ABC media in ‘The Miracle Planet’ warned us, “I think we are facing a serious dilemma. When you realize how little time we have left – just 10 years to save the rainforests, and in many cases only 5 years. Madagascar will disappear largely in 5 years if nothing is undertaken. » . Geographers, stupid and persistent in their narrow negationism, still refuse today to remove Madagascar from the new cartography.

On October 15, 1990 , the well-known American astronomer Carl Sagan said:   “The planet could face an ecological and agricultural disaster in the next decade if the global warming trend continues. “   Since 2000, therefore, we are immersed in the disaster without knowing. Or, should we think that global warming has not continued “so”? No, of course, what stupidity are you going to invent here?

In 1991 , the environmentalist philosopher Edward Goldsmith, in ‘5000 Days to Save the Planet’  warned us: ”  Ozone depletion and global warming threaten food reserves, but the rich North will enjoy a temporary reprieve by buying the products. from South. Riots among the hungry will lead to political instability, which will be contained in the North by military power. A sad future, therefore, inevitable unless we change the way we live … At the current level of exploitation there will probably be more tropical forests in 10 years. If action is not taken now, the greenhouse effect could be irreversible in 12 to 15 years. “. Since 2006, the greenhouse effect is therefore irreversible. This is aggravated by the disappearance of tropical forests since 2001, which made CO2 saving recycling impossible.

In its September 11, 1999 issue , Le GUARDIAN issued an anguished warning:   “A report published last week indicated that in a decade, malaria will be common on the Spanish coast. The effects of global warming are returning to settle in developed countries. ”  The epidemic is decimating the Iberian Peninsula since 2009, tourism collapsed according to the panic that has won European holidaymakers.

On 19 October 2006 , British Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued a solemn warning:  “There are only 50 days left to save the world from global warming” . January 2007 was therefore the beginning of the global climate sinking, which each of us can see daily.

In 2007 , Al Gore – Nobel Peace Prize – said : “There will be more ice at the North Pole by 2013 because of global warming of human origin . ” As soon as next year, it comes back to me that he will propose to organize there the swimming world championships.

On 18 November 2007 , Mr. Rajendra Pachauri – IPCC Chair noted “If we do not act before 2012, it will be too late”. Faced with the inevitable observation of its futility in the future, the IPCC has therefore decided to scuttle itself.

On January 18, 2009 , climatologist Jim Hansen, director at NASA, declared peremptorily: “President Obama is 4 years old to save the planet” . The President had until 2013. Unfortunately he seems to have lost his time in quite secondary problems like the Iranian nuclear …

Also in 2009 , Elisabeth May, Leader ecologist in Canada, consulted her watch: “Saving the planet from catastrophic global warming is a matter of hours”.   The relativity of the flow of time is known since Einstein. Obviously, not everyone can afford a Rolex.

On May 12, 2014 , Mr. Laurent Fabius – French Minister of Foreign Affairs affirmed “We have 500 days to avoid climatic chaos” . The Paris 2015 conference was therefore 65 days too late. He himself noted the absolute uselessness of this conference, which could only deeply sadden his President.

All these statements, among many others (3), demonstrate the absolute uselessness not only of climate conferences, generating huge costs to the taxpayers, but also any action or restriction to appease a climate that has become inevitably crazy …


I was largely inspired by:





Jo Moreau

1 Comment

  1. Edward Schultz

    The sky is falling, the sky is falling!! I know this to be true – Chicken Little told me !!

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