We have recently issued a number of related reports on the economic and policy impacts of environmental charities in Canada.
This post will compile the series in one place.
MONEY MATTERS: The ENGO Political Advantage
Link to Report:
Money Matters report format FINAL
Dark Green Money: shows that that not only is there money pouring in from foreign sources, but the federal government themselves is funding these groups.
Link to report:
Dark-Green-Money-Foundation-Funding-Jan-11-2019 (1)
Big Green Money: shows that the “no” vs “pro” energy advocates are crushing our economy.
Link to report:
Big Green Money NO vs PRO FINAL RevB FEB 12 2019
Green Titanic: shows that with the recent change in Income Tax laws concerning political activity of charities, they will effectively be able to use 100% of their money to be politically active (as opposed to 10% prior to this change).
Link to report:
Green Titanic FINAL RevA April 29 2019
Manufacturing A Climate Crisis: tracks how West Coast Environmental Law, a tax-subsidized charity, funded by the Tar Sands Campaign partner Oak Foundation, initiated the tanker ban (Bill C-48). They also went to Kinder Morgan’s AGM to threaten them with risks of law suits. How is this charitable activity?
Link to report:
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