Dear Friends of Science Members and Supporters;

We have reached the end of 2018 with severe challenges to our economic well-being in Alberta and Canada. The World Conferences on Climate Change and the non-science rhetoric around our ever-changing climate continues. More conferences and gatherings are scheduled to push the false predictions with consequences that are costing us our livelihood and security. 2019 brings us both Provincial and Federal Elections along with a Federal Carbon Tax to add to our existing Alberta Carbon Tax.  See some of our carbon tax reports and videos at the bottom of the page. Please share them.

Become a member! Give a gift membership! $30/yr or $60/ for 3 years.

Every membership and donation counts:  Click here for the membership and donation page. Be sure your ad blocker is disabled as it affects the page. Note: Friends of Science Society is not a registered charity; we do not issue tax receipts.

Memberships include bimonthly “Extracts” – a round up and insights on world climate/energy policy news, and “Cli-Sci” – a summary of recent academic and peer-reviewed science papers, our quarterly newsletters, our press releases and discount rates on our annual event (held in Calgary, Alberta). 

After 16 years of hard work, persistent responding to challenges, endless research and volunteer time and expertise, Friends of Science is still working hard to defend the truth, by getting out the right side of the story across Canada and around the world. However, there is still much to be done as new challenges continue to arise. Our immediate challenge is to help save Alberta and Canada’s economic well-being. Meanwhile, the fraud continues, governments are most often taking sides, and our children and grandchildren are being indoctrinated.

The Friends of Science remains committed to providing critical information in various forms and ways with Social Media being one of our greatest resources. We continue to strike thoughts of common sense among our readers, while our greatest challenge remains the various levels of government and the false agenda driven special interest groups.

There are times we feel we are losing the battle when governments try to limit our reach, big organizations attempt to shut us down by labeling us deniers and attempting to deny us a strong voice in the media. The banking industry is beginning to succumb to pressures to deny funding to oil sands projects, and our pipelines are at a standstill with onerous regulations in the making. Not a rosy picture, but dearly a strong need for continued action.

On the flip side, progress continues to be made with more companies and associations stepping up and becoming involved either with a voice of their own, or by funding and supporting fact-finding groups such as the Friends of Science, marketing groups such as Boots and Suits, Canadian Energy Citizens, and others. However, the Friends of Science remains the only voice supported by scientific expertise, and daily producing facts and reliable content.

As you may or may not already know, our organization primarily operates on volunteer efforts. Our facts and knowledge are generously provided by our expert contributors from the science community. We have a volunteer board that is comprised of many of the same science experts doing double duty.

Our contracted helpers are few – one is our amazing Communications Manager, Michelle Stirling, who is becoming known around the world. Michelle is a virtually whirlwind as you can tell by her many submissions, her compilation of the volunteer team’s work, and 24/7 dedication. She does the work of a room full of people. We, including industry and the Province, cannot afford to lose her.

As we near the end of 2018 we find our small but large-on-information organization, low on funding with only a few months of funding available. We made every effort to conserve our funds this past year; by limiting our campaigns to digital media and speaking engagements. We produced a large number of videos, providing a wide variety of information to a wide-spread group via social media and did a small number of business group presentations.  We were blessed with last minute some help for our COP24 billboard campaign, but that paid for the campaign. We need your continued help to top up our funds for the battles ahead in 2019.

We invested in sending Michelle Stirling to Portugal to one of the many world conferences. The intent was to expand our international reach, gain more followers, levitate our credibility and provide world followers the opportunity to engage in person with the Friends of Science. [You can see our Porto video interviews on our you tube channel]

Our bank account is low and we still have much ground to cover, we cannot risk the chance of losing Michelle’s voice when we are gaining ground and fighting for our economic well-being.

We have been working on fundraising ideas and have made a number of presentations to various group and contacts that we hope, along with our members, will help us with the base funding we require to keep our message flowing.

We are hopeful of raising enough funds to create a cushion for more video productions, occasional billboard campaigns, and other operational items. We also want to be able to continue our once-a-year educational speaker dinner on which we break even or experience a small loss with the assistance of sponsorships.

Previous Annual Event Videos and Power Points are here:

Some of you may have already made substantial donations for which we are extremely appreciative. Because of your dedication and support we are hoping you can continue to help us financially as well as introduce us to others you feel would value the importance of our work and would be interested in seeing it continue into the future. Our Fundraising Committee is ready to meet with anyone you might refer, to show them what we have accomplished over the past 16 years and our plans going forward. We don’t expect you to do our work for us, just make an introduction, or pass us a contact name. Any referrals can be sent to:  [email protected].

If you personally contribute, we will be most thankful and will strive to make you proud to be part of the communication of factual and science-based truth to the public.

To make a contribution online use this link from our website: to pay by credit card or Paypal. Be sure your ad blocker is disabled as it affects the page. If you prefer to phone us to pay by credit card please call 1-888-789-9597 Ext 2.

Note: Friends of Science Society is not a registered charity; we do not issue tax receipts. We are a non-profit society.  People who support us, do so because they appreciate our work and our efforts to bring common sense, open civil debate and full cost-benefit analysis back to climate and energy policies.

Alternately, you can mail donations to Friends of Science at the following address:

Friends of Science Society
P.O. Box 23167 Mission P.O.
Calgary AB Canada T2S 3B1

Best Regards,
Friends of Science Fundraising Committee

Report: “Let them eat carbon” 

Video:  “Let them eat carbon”

Report: “Carbon Kleptomania” – challenging the notion of a carbon dividend 

Video: “Carbon Kleptomania”

Report: “Checkstop: Challenging the Federal Gov’t GBA/Carbon tax report”

Checkstop Summary: 

Checkstop Full Report: