Posted by Friends of Science admin © 2018


Understanding the past is often a key to putting present conditions in context. Nowhere is this more true than in the world of climate change dogma.  While the media and climate change catastrophe promoters tell us this is the ‘hottest year evah…’  or ‘on record’ … they rarely delineate where their ‘record’ of reference begins.

History is not as popular or mandatory a topic in schools and universities today, so many people are easily misled.  But look back at the recent Little Ice Age (1300-1860 AD).   This article in French describes the year 1709 as a time when people in Paris froze to death in the streets, it was so cold.

Les dérangements du temps: 500 ans de chaud et de froid en Europe shows that ‘climate’ is not just a single phase and that very extreme conditions have rocked humankind, often pushing societies to the brink of existence.

For North Americans, it is enlightening to read a recent release entitled “A Cold Welcome.”  In it, the Little Ice Age conditions in Europe are described as a time in which: “All things which grew above the ground died and starved.”

It is horrifying to read that Europeans assumed that since the New World was on the same latitude as balmy Spain, that this would be the “New Andalusia,” only to have most newcomers arrive, hopelessly unprepared for North America’s four seasons, grim winter and very limited growing season.  The Little Ice Age and the numerous volcanic eruptions during that time cursed agricultural hopes with even more erratic weather.

As we point out in our report “Faulty Premises = Poor Policy on Climate,” the IPCC is careful about referencing warming from about the 1860 period, without mention of the bone-grinding cold that was part of the natural climate cycle of the Little Ice Age.  In context, current warming feels pretty good!

Brian Fagan has written a number of excellent books on climate and its impact on society.  Two recommended reads are “The Great Warming” – wherein he documents climate change impacts of the Medieval Warm Period.  It may be very surprising to learn that the region of today’s California suffered 100 and 200 year droughts during that period.  Maybe Arnold Schwarzenegger,  “The Terminator” should go back in time to see what that was all about, before going back in time to terminate human use of fossil fuels.  Or…how about if he takes a time travel trip back to “The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History“?

No doubt, in the Little Ice Age, The Terminator would be leading the pack to burn witches at the stake for “weather cooking with the help of Satan” – a popular past time of the day, which sounds eerily like climate dogma of today! Dr. Sallie Baliunas, astrophysicist, explains “weather cooking.”

These books show how climate change is an ongoing phenomenon in the world – there is no ‘climate safe’ earth – but there is amazing human ingenuity.  If you live in a winter-season part of the world, just look around your warm, well-lit house, where you enjoy pumped water and sanitation, snowplows and sanders drive up and down your paved and well-lit streets.  These are all human adaptations to ‘climate change’ – giving us hope that whatever comes our way,  human ingenuity and a fierce desire to survive, will save us.

This is also why we must save ourselves from the relentless, anti-human dogma of the more extreme factions of the climate movement – like George Monbiot’s bad idea that every person should have a ‘free’ personal carbon ration. Or the IPCC’s recent SR15 report which advocates for biofuel policies that were deemed to be crimes against humanity by the UN, and advocates for rapid decarbonization, which would result in mass deaths.  These notions are integral to the ‘non-binding, voluntary’ Paris Agreement, for which the COP24 candidates are now making a ‘Paris rule book.’

If it is non-binding and voluntary, why do you need a rule book?  And if you are advocating for policies that will result in crimes against humanity and mass deaths, should you be in charge of anything?

Environmental groups in Canada are often charities subsidized by Canadian taxpayers – they are keen to force governments into compliance with a voluntary, non-binding agreement, (that would result in crimes against humanity and mass deaths), as reported by the Globe and Mail , Dec. 4, 2018:

Thirty-three members of the Climate Action Network wrote to McKenna and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this week asking them to set emissions targets in binding legislation that would not only compel the government to hit targets, but make backing out more difficult for future governments.

For Canada, as for most Western nations, meeting Paris targets would result in the near total destruction of the economy.



In Canada, charities are required to provide a tangible net public benefit and not do the public any harm. Canada Revenue Agency says:

  • Requirement that there be a net benefit for the public

The charitable purposes of some organizations may result in a benefit to the public, while at the same time produce some negative effect. Where such a conflict occurs, the public benefit, shown to arise from the charitable purpose, is typically evaluated against any harm that may also arise from the proposed activity. Footnote39  In determining charitable purpose, we are looking to ensure that a substantial net benefit results. (bold and underline added to this line)

Clearly the public should not have to subsidize agencies that are demanding binding implementation of policies that will result in crimes against humanity and mass deaths, especially when no valid cost-benefit analysis has been provided by any level of government on meeting Paris targets, or by these ‘charities.’

It seems that the public in France has figured this out, perhaps because the memories of people dropping dead in the streets of Paris in 1709 are embedded in French literature, art and history. The Victor Hugo book, “Les Miserables,” is set in the tail end of the Little Ice Age. Perhaps the French remember and resent the attempt to impose poverty and carbon serfdom upon them, after the French people’s arduous battle for freedom, human rights and dignity.

No wonder the Yellow Vests are in revolt!

In Canada, the early days of “A Cold Welcome” have been forgotten.  We study history so as not to repeat mistakes. Time to look back in order to clearly see the road ahead.


There are also many free reads about historical climate online – like James A. Marusek’s “A Chronological Listing of Early Weather Events.”

Excellent resources in French about climate history in Europe can be found at these links: (also readable in English with Google translate)