Global Carbon Tax = Road to Ruin – New Friends of Science Billboard Campaign

We are deeply concerned about the possibility that at COP24 in Katowice, Poland (Dec. 2-14, 208) there will be a push to implement a global carbon tax LAW as part of ‘implementing the Paris Agreement rule book.   The idea has been floated by various parties in the science and activist community, such as Rockstrom et al (2017).

As pointed out by Prof. Michael J. Kelly as early as 2010, rapid decarbonization, another Utopian push by IPCC acolytes, would result in mass deaths.

Consequently, we hope our new billboard campaign will raise public awareness on these issues. We believe such a law would be very detrimental to Canada specifically, and to all democracies in general.


We are running the billboards in French and English.

And we’re happy to be on the media tower on the corner of Yonge and Dundas in Toronto.


Many people wonder, if carbon dioxide is not the driver of climate change, then we don’t need a carbon tax at all – but what does drive climate?  Our group and our international network of scientific colleagues have been reviewing the science since 2002 and while climate change is the result of complex interactions of a dynamic system, overall the sun is the main direct and indirect driver of climate change.

This does not mean humans have no effect on climate or the environment – of course we do! It just means carbon taxes won’t stop climate change and we can better use climate-related money to restore the environment and mitigate our impact.



Comments and questions are welcome!

Please read our new reports to understand our position:

Faulty Premises = Poor Public Policy on Climate

In the Dark on Renewables: Rebutting Deloitte Insights and Climate Reality


  1. Lynn Thacker

    Good for you! And I’m glad this message will be in downtown Toronto. I’m proud to be a solid contributor to your group for the last few years as we desperately need these kinds of messages out there to balance out all the alarmist misinformation. I’m so terribly disappointed in our medis’s inability to critically analyze this alarmist agenda and at least question some of the more egregious claims that are being made.

    • fosadmin

      Thank you! We appreciate your comment and your support. These issues are far too important to be relegated to backroom deals and no cost-benefit analysis. We press on! As we say in Calgary…Onward!

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