Posted by Admin © Friends of Science Society Feb. 2018
Lloyd’s of London announced on Jan. 21, 2018 that it would enact a coal exclusion policy from its investment strategy, as reported in The Guardian. This appears to be in response to an aggressive “Unfriend Coal” campaign by a group of large Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (ENGOs) like Greenpeace.
The campaign included scorecards and public shaming techniques like calling certain companies ‘climate laggards’ .
In the ENGO report entitled “Insuring Coal No More” of November 2017, the groups make a direct attack on Adani group of companies and the Carmichael coal mine in Australia.
In the past, it has been reported that some ENGOs are heavily funded by renewables investors, raising questions about such campaigns. A 2014 US Senate Minority report explores “The Chain of Environmental Command: How a Club of Billionaires and their Foundations Control the Environmental Movement and the EPA.”
Friends of Science have issued a new report entitled “Unfriend ENGOs-Befriend Facts” which rebuts the climate catastrophe claims of the ENGO campaign against coal.
Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (ENGOs) have targeted the financial and insurance sectors in an attempt to shut down operations of coal, oil, oil sands and natural gas, usually presenting images of wind or solar farms and claiming these are viable replacements. They often claim there is an ‘energy revolution’ underway – a claim disputed by energy expert and author Vaclav Smil.
ENGOs have been engaging in hardball tactics in Canada for years. And example of an ‘eco-shakedown’ letter from an ENGO to a forestry company is presented in this video clip.
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