Originally published in May 2017 as a series of blog posts under the title: “National Energy Board (NEB) – Implications of Proposed Changes: A Review.” This post offers the same information with a short summary and a complete report to download. National Energy Board Proposed Reforms Report June 1 2017
Contributed by Robert Lyman @2017

Robert Lyman
Many Canadians have been unaware of the work of the National Energy Board (NEB). Since its establishment in 1959, The National Energy Board has served as the federal government’s independent, expert, quasi-judicial regulatory body dealing with important energy matters. The Board itself operates at arms’ length from politicians, and is supported by a secretariat that includes a group of highly skilled, technical staff who can assess engineering, economic, financial, safety and environmental issues. The NEB’s mandate is to carefully review proposals for national energy infrastructure, such as pipelines and power lines, and oil/gas imports/exports, and to carry out energy market analysis with which it can advise the government.
Recently various activists and environmental groups claimed the NEB process was flawed and demanded a review. A panel appointed by the government has just completed the review and offered recommendations for a significant revision to replace the NEB with an entirely new structure and process.
Robert Lyman posed the question “Can Canada Survive Climate Change Policy?” at his Calgary presentation on May 9, 2017. The proposed changes to the NEB are a related complication. Canadians must look at the highly competitive global markets and evaluate whether making infrastructure projects more difficult to approve, in a process that is apparently less technical, is in the best economic interests of the nation, even as Canada is already an acknowledged leader in environmental management. Ottawa energy policy expert, Robert Lyman, has contributed the following overview.
LINK TO REPORT: National Energy Board Proposed Reforms Report June 1 2017
Moving Oil by Pipeline
Moving Oil by Tanker
Friends of Science Society presents the evidence over the ideology on climate change and related energy policies. We do not represent any industry – we believe factual, informed debate is in the interests of all Canadians to ensure a thriving economy, responsible and realistic environmental management, and the best use of limited taxpayer dollars.
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