The “Green Budget Coalition” is pushing the “Green Budget 2016.”  A group of some 16 influential ENGOs – non-profits and registered charities – are demanding that Canada move to a ‘green’…low-carbon economy.

As part of this process, these groups engage in demonizing oil and gas, especially claiming that oil and gas operations in Canada are highly subsidized – that’s just not true.

Friends of Science Society has reviewed parts of the “Green Budget” related to the claims regarding  fossil fuel subsidies and we dispute the claims of this group in our new report “Keep Canada in the Black.”A Business Review of Green Budget 2016 FINAL Mar 11 2016

According to industry experts, Alberta also benefits from income drawn from oil and gas leases when times are good.  These are in addition to taxes that all corporations and individuals pay on their taxable income.

Land sale revenue paid to the Alberta government for the leases and licenses required for the exploration and production of oil and gas in the province are very significant. Here is a summary of annual tallies of these sales. These numbers do not include oil sands leases.

alberta petroleum and ngas bonus pymt rev wkb

Industry experts note that

1                 In 2010 and 2011 the Alberta government collected almost $5 billion in bonus payments,

2                 So far in 2016 bonus payments are a pittance of the long term average. The government will be fortunate to collect a total of $100 million in bonus payments in 2016,

3                 So far in 2016  bonus payments per hectare are 42% of the long term average, and

4                 In the first 15 years of the 21st century the government collected an average of $1.189 billion per year.

Renewables do not garner bonus payments or royalties for the government. The spreadsheet (above) does not account for government royalties on production.

Likewise, the cascade of jobs, value-added products and industries from oil and gas are very large.

image001 products from oil knd dec 2015

The world wants oil and gas and coal.

Why are there tax-funded groups in Canada trying to block these in-demand products? Why are they misleading the public? Why are they funded by working taxpayers? What is their value-added significance? If any?


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